Arnab Goswami has launched a new channel, RepublicTV, which seems partisan towards the BJP. Its first big break was a hit job on the Maha Gathbandhan alliance in Bihar. It featured recorded conversations with RJD supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav and former MLA Mohammed Shahabuddin. However, the channel’s bias is clear in many other cases.
Arnab Goswami, a renowned broadcaster and journalist, is the founder of Republic TV. He owns over 82 per cent of the company and personally holds a majority stake in the news channel. Goswami’s company holds 99 per cent of the equity in the downstream digital entity that controls the network’s digital assets. Goswami’s investment in the news channel has come in waves. Goswami has been a consistent critic of media in India, including The Hindu and the Economic Times.
A mock debate between the two polar opposites on Republic TV 52av has caused a storm on social media. Arnab Goswami was one of the news anchors who had rebelled against the ruling party. In a country where political parties and the media are in conflict, a news anchor whose views contradict those of the ruling party may find it difficult to gain traction. But Goswami has taken the issue into his own hands and has since been praised on the network.